
How to Make the Best Scrambled Eggs


I could quite happily eat scrambled eggs every day. I love them for breakfast, brunch, lunch, dinner—and nothing is more soothing when I’m under the weather. I take great care when scrambling eggs because I have very specific expectations. I want them soft, creamy, not at all dry, and quite possibly a bit less “done” than some people like them. My go-to method for years has been (for two of us): five large eggs, one large yolk, salt and pepper, and a splash of cream. I cook the whisked eggs in butter, over the lowest heat possible on the stove, stirring constantly, for a very long time.

But recently, I’ve come across a true game-changer on the scrambled eggs front. This not only ensures the soft texture I want, but it also allows me to finish the rest of the meal without too much multitasking (or cold eggs).

Edible Times

The Perfect Scrambled Egg Method

I don’t stray from my tried-and-true ratio, but have introduced two big changes:

  1. First, the splash of cream is replaced by a small splash of good olive oil. This is not a moment for your strongly flavored “finishing” olive oil. This requires the use of the extra-virgin olive oil that you use for daily cooking. Before you ask, no—the eggs do not taste like olive oil. They taste more like eggs, without the dulling effect of dairy…I was shocked.
  2. This next step, and the other big change for me, introduces a bit of dairy without dulling the eggs’ flavor. Plus, it allows me to complete the rest of the meal easily: I place a knob of butter (the amount is up to you, but I use a tablespoon) in a small, nonstick skillet, and turn the heat to at least medium-high. As soon as the butter begins to brown, I take the skillet off the heat, add the eggs, and immediately stir with a silicone spatula until the heat of the pan dies down and the scrambled eggs stop cooking—about ⅔ of the eggs will be cooked at this point. I can then finish the sausage, make toast, pour coffee, etc.

The eggs will take only moments, over low heat, to finish cooking when you’re almost ready to serve and eat. The amount of time you choose to cook the eggs at this stage will allow you to achieve your own preferred state of “doneness,” while keeping them soft and creamy.

This new approach to eggs has made my Sunday mornings incredibly easy, as well as delicious. And, at least for the moment, I’ll never scramble eggs any other way!
